viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

Inglés 2o A, B, C, D. Mtro. Valentín Estrada Minero

Activity 1: Read this article and synthetize its contents into a text:

What Is a Preposition?

    “Vampires! Zombies! Werewolves!” “Where?!” “Behind you!”
    Thank goodness for prepositions. Imagine not knowing where the danger lay….
    Prepositions tell us where or when something is in relation to something else. When monsters are approaching, it’s good to have these special words to tell us where those monsters are. Are they behind us or in front of us? Will they be arriving in three seconds or at midnight?
    Prepositions often tell us where one noun is in relation to another (e.g., The coffee is on the table beside you). But they can also indicate more abstract ideas, such as purpose or contrast (e.g., We went for a walk despite the rain).

    Types of Prepositions

    Prepositions indicate direction, time, location, and spatial relationships, as well as other abstract types of relationships.
    Direction: Look to the left and you’ll see our destination.
    Time: We’ve been working since this morning.
    Location: We saw a movie at the theater.
    Space: The dog hid under the table.

    Preposition Examples

    Unfortunately, there’s no reliable formula for determining which preposition to use with a particular combination of words. The best way to learn which prepositions go with which words is to read as much high-quality writing as you can and pay attention to which combinations sound right. Here are a few examples of the most common prepositions used in sentences.

    I should rewrite the introduction of my essay.

    Sam left his jacket in the car.

    Did you send that letter to your mother?

    We’re cooking for ten guests tonight.

    Dan ate lunch with his boss.

    You can also use tools like Google Ngrams to see which prepositions most commonly occur with particular words—but remember, this tool can’t explain the difference in meaning between different prepositional phrases like “pay for” (to purchase) and “pay off” (to bribe). For that, you may want to refer to a list of prepositions that includes the meanings of common combinations.

Activity 2: Write a small story about what have you done this quarantine and detail it with prepositions:

Activity 3: Quarantine days may sound dreadful and long, but once it’s over, you’ll be able to leave your house safely! Have you thought about that?
As for now, you probably might be a little bored, so why don’t you look around you for stuff to do?
Locate 10 interesting objects near you and describe using prepositions where they’re and what they’re for.

Activity 4: Think about what you think is going to happen after this week is over and write it down. Try to guess when and how these things are going to happen.
Play a little game! Check if your predictions were right or not.

ACTIVITY 5. Read carefully and choose the correct option.

1. This is the photo _____ my family.
    A) in B) at C) of D) on
2. It’s good practice _____ you.
    A) for B) at C) of D) in
3.  I’m _____ home.
    A) in B) on C) at D) from
4. I’m _____ La Guardia Community College.
    A) in B) on C) at D) of
5. I’m _____ New York.
    A) in B) for C) at D) of
6. I’m _____ a class _____ eight other students.
    A) in / for B) at / of C) in / with D) at / off
7. I live _____ an apartment _____ two American boys.
    A) in / of B) at / with C) in / with D) of/with
8. Central Park is lovely _____ the snow.
    A) at B) in C) of D) with
9. “_____ is his job?”
   “He _____ a policeman.”
    A) Which / is B) What / are C) What / is D) Where / is
10. He _____ from Argentina. He is _____ Mexico.
    A) is / from B) isn’t / from C) isn’t / in D) aren’t / in
11. “_____ _____ is a hamburger and chips?”
   “Three pounds fifty.”
    A) How many B) How often C) How much D) How long
12. Find the opposite word.
     easy - ______
     A) cold B) cheap C) difference D) difficult
13. lovely - ______
     A) old B) expensive C) horrible D) quick
14. fast - ______
     A) slow B) small C) quick D) warm
15. expensive - ______
     A) big B) cheap C) cold D) hot
16. hot - ______
     A) cold B) new C) warm D) small
17. big - ______
     A) high B) small C) tall D) slow
18. young - ______
     A) old B) big C) small D) quick
19. “Are you married?”
    “No, _____ .”
     A) I am not B) I’m not C) I amn’t D) I m not
20. Brazil ____ in Asia. ____ in South America.
     A) is / It isn’t B) is / It’s C) is / Is D) isn’t / It’s
21. Snow is _____ .
     A) cold B) hot C) small D) cheap
22. A: _____ Greek?
     B: Yes, I am.
     A) You B) Are you C) Am I D) I
23. We _____ in a Russian class.
     We _____ in an English class.
     A) are / are B) are / not C) aren’t / are D) are / am
24. Rolls-Royce cars are _____ .
     A) cheap B) blue C) expensive D) tall

Stay safe, and for now, stay indoors!